50 Voices of Ritual Abuse 23 – Rodjanha and Eva

50 Voices of Ritual Abuse [50V]


I intend to post about a couple of posts a week with 2 survivors stories in each for as long as it takes to complete the 50 voices, in an effort to help spread the truth about ritual abuse. The spread of knowledge about ritual abuse is extremely important and there is more at the end of the post about this.

The explanation of the format for the links is [50] takes you to the 50 views site profile and [Od] takes you to the Odysee Video. In the link the person whose testimony it is abbreviated to two letter eg Li for Lily, or if two names then the initial of both are capitalised eg AR for Asia Raine.


Rodjanha [50Ro] [OdRo]

Rodjanha Svàrogik (30) experienced ritual abuse in Bavaria from the age of 2 to 29. Her own grandmother forced her to participate in an occult sex ritual. She was also tormented by a mysterious ring given to her by her father, who considered his family the elite of society.






Rodjanha [50Ro] [OdRo]


Eva [50Ev] [OdEv]




Eva [50Ev] [OdEv]

Previous 50 Voicers

Why is Ritual Abuse so Important?

Ritual abuse is almost always most often associated with mind control. These mind control torture programmes are run by CIA / intelligence services and Government in conjunction with Mormons, Jesuits, Satanists, Kabbalists and freemasons.

It is slavery of the mind implemented by torture and sets up many different personalities or alters that have amnesic barriers from each other. Mind control is so effective that most people do not even realise that they have undergone programming until much later in life, if at all.

It is essential that more people understand that mind control slaves have been being programmed for decades and now the numbers of mind controlled slaves are huge, probably between 5 and 10% of the population, many hundreds of millions worldwide. How many mind controlled slaves are there? [1]

The other extremely important and urgent point about mind control survivors are that they are programmed with NWO Army end times programming, and they have started to have been triggered to be woken up over the last 18 months. Their programmed tasks are many and various to bring about the New World Order on behalf of the globalist satanic cabal. If you do not believe this research it. We need to do what we can to try to prevent this.

The majority of the population do not know anything about mind control, never mind the huge numbers involved nor know about the NWO army being triggered awake to carry out the globalist NWO goals of depopulation via war, control via pandemics and injections, and net zero / digital currencies and no doubt other devious and evil methods. Thus it is important to educate our fellow humans on mind control, and thankfully these brave survivors have chosen, many at great cost to tell their truths. I thank them all from the bottomm of my heart. Survivors have endured abuse since before birth and have been strong enough to overcome.

The other important aspect is to try and deprogramme survivors of all their NWO Tree of Death programming, to which the programing is attached. NWO Army Programming Self Help 2 [2].


50 Voices of Ritual Abuse [50V]

[50Ro] 50 Voices Rodjanha https://www.50voices.org/en/rodjanha-2/

[OdRo] Odysee Rodjanha https://odysee.com/@50Voices:0/Rodjanha-(eng):e

[50Ev] 50 Voices Eva https://www.50voices.org/en/eva-2/

[OdEv] Odysee Eva https://odysee.com/@50Voices:0/Eva-Frey-(eng):a

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2 thoughts on “50 Voices of Ritual Abuse 23 – Rodjanha and Eva

  1. Pingback: 50 Voices of Ritual Abuse 23 – Rodjanha and Eva – New Human New Earth Communities

  2. Pingback: 50 Voices of Ritual Abuse 23 – Rodjanha and Eva | Wirral In It Together

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